"Transforming Lives through Community Empowerment and Innovation"   Please report any suspicion of unethical behavior to email: report@rf.org.na, as we will treat your comments as anonymous.

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"Transforming Lives through Community Empowerment and Innovation"   Please report any suspicion of unethical behavior to email: report@rf.org.na, as we will treat your comments as anonymous.

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Our Story


Our Beginnings

The Rössing Foundation is established in 1978 by the Rössing Uranium Limited, evolving as recognized beacon of corporate social investment and welfare organization in Namibia. Since its inception, the foundation through its principal donor, now the CNNC Rössing Uranium Limited and partners, have invested in education, agriculture, health, enterprise development, the environment, tourism, water arts and culture, music, and sports, including humanitarian emergencies.

The Rössing Foundation is registerd as a Trust in 1978 (T17/78) and as a Welfare Organization in 1994 (WO 96). The Foundation operates from its Head Office in Windhoek and decentralized centers located in Arandis, Ondangwa and Swakopmund.


Our Future

Delivering impactful actions and delivering adequate community investments is a core agenda of the Rössing Foundation going forward and while it is acknowledged that there remain pressing needs in all the thematic areas that the Foundation has invested in previously, the transformational benefits of a more ruthless focus on a smaller set of thematic areas far outweigh previous broader focus. The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals have been an important reference point for the refocused Foundation and will continue to guide our work during the 2023-2027 strategic period. As long-term goals can only be roughly forecasted, our strategy focuses on the next five years, and is based on four thematic pillars that help us to come closer to realizing our vision.
