The Governance
The Rössing Foundation was established in 1978 through a Notarial Deed of Donation and Trust (Protocol Number 34/1978), to implement its corporate social investment activities within Namibia. The Foundation is duly registered with the Master of the High Court of Namibia as a Trust (Trust Number ST 17/78) under the Trust Act # 11 of 2023, and as a Welfare Organization (WO 96) registered under the National Welfare Act # 79 of 1965.
The Rössing Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees, led by the Chairperson, and deputized by the Vice Chairperson. The Board is guided by its Charter and measured on performance with a set of Key Performance Indicators. The Management Team, led by the Executive Director with support from the Managers of Business Units, is accountable to the Board and responsible for the operational aspects of the Foundation business.
The management reports to the Board on a quarterly basis, and to its donors and partners as regularly as mutually agreed upon.
Our Trustees and Management understand and embrace their responsibility to oversee the mission, strategic direction, assets and resources, and operations of the Foundation, and do so honestly and with integrity. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the performance and direction of the Foundation, through the establishment of strategic intend and key policies, as well as approving major business decisions in accordance with its charter. The day-to-day operation of the Foundation affairs is governed by Board approved set of clear and understandable policies, which Management ensure that they are followed.
The Foundation is annually audited by external auditors.